Wednesday 30 October 2013

Tips for Parenting College Students


WebMD Feature

When children head off to college, they start to become more independent, but they still need your support. 

“It’s a big shift in your relationship with your child. Often, parents are not prepared for the distance and independence young adults need,” says Annette Reiter, a licensed marriage and family therapist in St. Petersburg, FL.

You may wonder if your child is staying healthy and keeping up with schoolwork. But you also want to give them enough room to grow and to learn independently.

These five tips can help make the transition smoother for you and your child.

Show Confidence in Them

Some parents want to call or text their kids every day to talk about their grades and homework, says Reiter. It’s better, though, to send the message that you trust your child by letting them take responsibility for their schoolwork.

“Unless they are really struggling, leave their grades up to them,” Reiter says. 

When your child tells you about a problem they’re having -- for example, a conflict with a roommate -- don’t rush to solve it for them. Instead, listen and coach them on how to solve it. 

“It’s time for them to solve most of the minor problems in their lives,” Reiter explains. “If you’re always running to their rescue and don’t let them experience stress, then they won’t have ways to manage stress as an adult.”

Make a Plan for Keeping in Touch

Talk with your child about how often you’ll communicate when they’re at college. Find ways to keep in touch that work for you both.  

“Be flexible about using the technology your kid prefers, such as video chatting, texting, or instant messaging, says Cora Collette Breuner, MD, MPH, professor of adolescent medicine at the University of Washington.

“If kids know you’re trying to meet them at their level, they will open up more,” she notes.

Kids also appreciate it when you send them fun messages some of the time, says Laura Kastner, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the University of Washington.

“Instead of just texting to ask how they did on their test, send them a funny picture of the family dog going through the garbage,” she says.

Pay Attention to Signs of Trouble

If your child suddenly has a big change in personality -- for instance, if a very social kid starts spending a lot of time alone -- that could be something to talk with them about. Are they doing OK? How are their grades? Are they partying a lot, sleeping too much, or showing any other signs that concern you?

If so, encourage your child to go to the student counseling office. If your child is living in a dorm with an RA (resident advisor), you could get in touch with their RA for their feedback. Also, consider visiting the campus to check on your child in person. 

source : Tips for Parenting College Students

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