Tuesday 29 October 2013

Foods that can cause severe kidney damage

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Faculty considered very important in the body that play a major role : they are located below the rib cage on both sides of the spine , which is the size of a fist. And in accordance with the National Institutes of Health , the college filter over 200 liters of blood every day, and Tfeltr about 40 gallons of waste ( waste ) into the body out of the body in the form of Paul.
 To maintain the safety and health of your kidneys to get rid of toxins in your body and eliminate waste. Unfortunately harm to many foods Pklitik and reduces the job properly.Some of these harmful foods to try to avoid or reduce the amount of food with meat significantly animal protein can cause severe kidney damage , according to the Mayo Clinic, Valojbat rich animal protein significantly can cause major kidney problems, because the metabolism of proteins place you carry a heavy load on the kidneys , which makes it difficult to exclude waste and waste. In 2003, according to a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, a diet rich in animal protein may increase the risk of kidney stone formation of uric acid , while reducing diets rich in vegetables and prevent calculations of uric acid are :Uric acid of the most common causes are gallstones kidney, which is a byproduct of Balbaorinat rich foods such as meat, seafood and fish to eat , and can these foods can also cause the formation of other types rumor total vesicles , the vesicles calcium oxalate, because they increase the amount of calcium that is secreted in the urine .. How ? .Allow the animal protein metabolism in the body acid residues , because the body prefers alkaline case , it pulls calcium and other minerals in the bones of the body to bring the body to an alkaline state, and could be vesicles calcium calcium oxalate in the kidneys. Instead , try to eat meals rich in various vegetables , grains, seeds, nuts for all the proteins that the body needs.salt
Your body needs some sodium to maintain the fluid balance , but you can get the right amount by eating fruits and vegetables. Is the use of a large amount of salt when cooking certain foods to improve the taste , the type most commonly used salt is table salt .
When you eat a lot of salt , college responds by retaining water to compile those electricity ( electrolyte those deceased ) into the bloodstream to keep the heart working properly , and it puts a heavy burden on kidneys. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, the absorption of a large amount of salt in the long term can be harmful to the kidneys , heart and aorta , and can cause the absorption of salt to raise blood pressure , which can cause damage to the nephrons of the kidney, which is responsible for filtering waste. If you want to add salt to food Vodafa only a handful of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan .
Genetically enhanced foodsContain a large proportion of foods that Nthoha improved components , including corn , rice, sugar cane , sugar beets and canola. Genetically modified seeds for several reasons , including increased resistance to pests , and to make the plant safe from pesticides or improve crop yields .
Monsanto Company is one of the largest manufacturers of genetically modified seeds. In 2009, a study of mammals three types of genetically modified maize by Monsanto , the study showed negative effects on kidney function and liver of mice and researchers have concluded that the three tests which were the work created a state of hepatotoxicity ( liver and kidney) . Unfortunately, a number of research that has worked to find long-term impact of GMOs on the rights of some studies are poor at that time , because the food is genetically modified to become part of Bank meals since 1995 , presented by Monsanto GM soya , which was fortified against herbicides.
But we can not know the long-term impact of these products we could be avoided from the ground . Opt for organic products (Organic ) and avoid sources such as genetically modified foods and processed ingredients .
Artificial sweeteners
Many people think they are doing something healthy for their bodies when their consumption of artificial sweeteners, because those components without calorie and when researchers research on the impact of artificial sweeteners on renal function and found an increased risk of low functionality and absorption of two soda during the day.
non- alcoholic beverages

Foods that can cause severe kidney damage
 Soft drinks such as soda (with or without artificial sweeteners ) and energy drinks are related to the total set vesicles , explained the study, it was shown that drinking two or more colas during the day associated with an increased risk chronic kidney disease . Instead , eat a water with organic lemon .Dairy products
The problem with dairy products similar to the problem of animal protein , in fact, one study showed that the consumption of dairy products increases the excretion of calcium in urine, which is strongly associated with the ability to configure the vesicles total . According to the health of children , reduce dairy products can help people with kidney disease and kidney disease , they make the screening process easier on the kidneys, and delay the need for dialysis . Instead of using dairy products.caffeine
The caffeine in coffee, tea , soda, and foods that can encumber the kidney tonic Because caffeine stimulates blood circulation, increases blood pressure and stress of the whole. A study in 2002 found that caffeine consumption in the long run to the worsening of chronic infected mice by obesity and diabetes kidney failure time has been linked to the consumption of caffeine composition vesicles in the kidney by increasing the excretion of calcium in urine.

source : Foods that can cause severe kidney damage

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