Sunday 12 January 2014

Seven Keys to Healthy Weight Loss In Seven Days



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Seven Keys to Healthy Weight Loss In Seven Days

For a successful, lasting and healthy weight loss, avoid rapid weight loss method. A good weight loss should be long-term and new dietary habits should be easy to maintain for a long time, perhaps for life.

Also be aware that a too rapid weight loss makes you lose muscle mass and you risk having lower energy than you had before you started to lose weight .A healthy diet should , in addition to covering the need for nutrients, also lead to a primarily fat mass is reduced while lean body mass is preserved. A sustainable rate of weight loss is about 1-2 kg per month.The important balanceWeight gain occurs when there is imbalance so that energy intake is greater than energy expenditure. To achieve weight loss comes the shift the balance the other way so that energy intake is lower than energy expenditure. To achieve this it is best to both cut down on energy intake and increase energy expenditure.In order to be able to keep a healthy and sustainable diet should be composed so that you:

Slowly decrease in weight and keep the new weight - instead of yo-yo dieting.
Think that is good and fun to follow the new diet . It should not be a nuisance . Then it is a high risk that you may relapse to unhealthy food.
Feel full and satisfied all day - instead of starving.
Feel alert and happy - instead of easily irritated and tired.
Feel that your new eating habits accepted by family and friends - instead of that you are perceived as boring or weird .Seven Keys to a Healthy Weight LossBy following these seven tips you lay the foundation for a healthy weight loss that you can maintain over time :Increase your intake of vegetables and fruitIf you only remember one thing from this article , make sure it gets this tip : increase the intake of vegetables, roots , fruits and berries. These products are naturally low fat and fiber rich. The more fiber rich they are , the better they contribute to satiety.The basic rule should be that half your plate should consist of vegetables (see plate model below). Start by picking the vegetables first on the plate so that there is not much space left for the remaining food . Just by following this simple advice can you usually lose weight.Examples of fiber rich and good vegetables are green peas, sweet peas, green beans , various types of cabbage (such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage ) and root vegetables (carrots , parsnips, celery root , and others) . Avoid vegetables in fat mayonnaise dips , stews , casseroles or fried vegetables .The plate modelStrive to follow the plate model . It can be seen as a thinking tool on the distribution of the different foods on the plate to get a balanced meal . As you already know half the plate should consist of vegetables . On the other half divided equally carbohydrate and protein foods .Carbohydrates consisting of pasta, rice , potatoes and or bread. It is a myth that we get fat potatoes and bread.The protein we get from meat, fish , poultry, eggs , cheese , peas, beans and lentils. Meat, fish and eggs in addition to giving a good protein value essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements . Even a slightly greasy meat dish can be fine if you use the plate model . For example, not burgers forbidden food . If you exclude fries and supplements with baby carrots and / or salad and possibly a fruit that becomes the whole pretty good.Reduce the amount of fatFat provides energy in the form of calories and can be both visible and hidden. Examples of visible fat is butter, oil and fat on meat edges . Examples of hidden fat is hidden in sauces , baked goods , ice cream, cheese and meat products. There is much you can do to reduce the calorie intake.Start from keyhole-labeled products , such as when you choose milk products , cheese and meats.
Reduce the fat sandwich by taking a thin layer on sandwich. A 10 -gram margarine package should be enough for 2-3 slices of bread .
Use low-fat cooking as cooking, mikrougnstillagning and grilling.Remember that the fat you eat should be of good quality. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Canola and olive oil , nuts, seeds , avocados and especially oily fish are examples of good fat sources. But beware of the amount here .Avoid excessive intake of sugarBeware of drinks. Energy emanating from beverages which less saturation , energy from the solid food. In everyday life , it is best to choose beverages with no energy. Let plain water quench thirst and supplement with some other drink on festive occasions .Many beverages such as soft drinks, juices and juice usually contains a lot of sugar and thus energy. Another trap is easy many of the beverages. They contain less energy than a "standard" drink, but still relatively many calories. The drinks are classified as "light drinks" is however usually very low in calories .Many other products usually contain a lot of sugar candy , cakes , ice cream and desserts. Consider these as " sällanmat " ie food that you should eat often.Avoid frequent and large intake of alcoholAlcohol contains a lot of energy in itself. We also tend to eat unhealthy foods and accessories such as fatty snacks when we drink beer , wine or spirits .Reduce portionsEat rather more but smaller meals than a few large ones. Eat slowly . Do not eat more than one portion. When you feel that you are no longer hungry , you should stop eating. Do you still feel hungry , take more of vegetables or finish with a fruit dessert. , Eat slowly so you have time to feel that you are being measured before you have had time to eat too regularlyEat three main meals and two snacks per day. As you eat smaller portions , you should compensate by spreading your food intake over the day , 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks ( a good snack could be something as simple as a fruit). The point is that you get a smooth, high combustion and reduces the risk for you to feel hungry.Skipping meals counteracts the potential for a balanced diet. The body thinks you are starving , and react by wanting to take too much energy. Many dieters often jump over one or two meals in the belief that they go down faster weight. But I skip a meal your blood sugar drops and they fall easily to the temptation to eat a candy bar on the way home from work.Cooked lunch versus yogurt or fileIf you jump over the cooked lunch for the benefit of yogurt / file is a high risk that the meal will be too small and low-calorie . You get hungry easily and sweet tooth relatively soon after the meal. Eat a yogurt / file but eat also a couple of sandwiches with protein-rich toppings (preferably fish) and like a vegetable that you enjoy, such as carrot sticks .What do you mean?The benefit of the seven keys is more than just weight loss. By eating like this , you will also be refreshed and satisfied, although it shows on the outside.

source : Seven Keys to Healthy Weight Loss In Seven Days

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