If you want to see results, it is definitely not essential to drastically alter your eating habits. If you desire to commit to a wholesale change, that is OK but the main thing at first is to try to see to it that you are making more healthy eating choices. Eventually, you will discover that you actually prefer to consume healthy foods after you have eaten that way for some time. As with many other habits, change takes place over a period of time and once a new way of eating becomes part of who you are, you won't feel the need to go back to your old diet.
Initially, you will need to be very careful when you are shopping for food that you don't unthinkingly put things in your cart that you no longer wish to eat. As an example, most probably you have never checked the box of your favorite cereal to find out its sugar content. A great healthy alternative can be porridge oats which have been found to be good for your heart and can give you good sustainable energy daily. By putting in fresh fruit, you can improve the flavor and, before you know it, you will have made a good change to your diet.
You can make similar changes with the oils that you use to cook your food. For example, monounsaturated fat such as olive oil can help to offset the bad cholesterol in your diet. Olive oil is also a rich source of Vitamin E which has many benefits and is also terrific for your skin. It could be that you already think that you eat fruit and vegetables but it can be worthwhile considering how fresh these are depending on where you purchase these. Organic foods are a great option and will reduce any possible exposure to deadly pesticides. You can ensure that you're getting the most nutritional benefits from your fresh produce if you can locate a local supplier since you will be able to get the fruit when it is the freshest and ripest.
Evidently, it's not hard to begin incorporating healthy eating into your daily lifestyle.
source : How To Incorporate Healthy Eating Habits Into Your Lifestyle