Why should you opt for it?
1. Increased Muscle Mass:
Intake of creatine supplement facilitates highly intense workouts which in turn lead to the development of more muscle mass in an individual. The points in time at the gym where you just can't go on any more, you feel like reducing the load or just stopping the workout entirely, is when creatine would keep you going strong. Remember, you still need to push hard and keep taking in calories so that your body can build the necessary muscle mass, but creatine supplement makes all this very easy.
2. Better Athletic Performance:
Creatine Supplements lead to better muscle contractions and hence good athletics or sports performance making this one of the best things to opt for in case of a sportsperson. If an individual is into sports that is more of the stop and go types, let's say football, cricket, hockey, etc that relies on the C-ATP system, then a creatine supplement is paramount for high performance. The supplement not only helps in a player to go hard at every individual shift in the match but also helps him last longer throughout.
3. Increased Training Frequency:
The third reason why one should opt for creatine supplement is because it increases the training frequency allowing for undertaking higher no of training sessions thereby leading to faster and more substantial muscular gains. More frequent one gets to work a muscle, the quicker it will grow bigger. Moreover, since creatine also plays a major role in the betterment of recovery rate of muscle cells, one doesn't need too much rest time in-between workouts.
4. Huge Muscle Pumps:
Yet another reason why you should go for protein supplement is because they give you muscle pumps to die for! The best motivating factor for anyone to go back to the gym soon is to see a muscle grow after a workout session. Due to the higher level of bodily water retention induced by creatine, you will experience your pumps to be going up.
5. Metabolic Rate increase and weight Decrease:
Last but not the least, one of the most common reasons why people opt for creatine supplement is because it increases your metabolic rate to a large extent. How many calories you burn daily has significant influence on your rate of fat loss. One of the best ways to boost metabolism is via sprint cardio training which relies on ATP as the source of fuel. Supplementing with creatine on top of that would always help you have a better sprint performance. Moreover, you would be reducing your carbs for weight loss which in turn might act adversely to your energy generating exercise. Hence, inclusion of creatine supplement in your diet would be the necessary partner in offsetting his fatigue.
It can be concluded by saying that there is no reason why creatine supplement should not be opted for,especially for people running on a low budget since this is one of the least costly muscle-building and performance enhancing supplement available.
source : Creatine Supplement - Top Five Reasons to Opt for It