Friday 12 July 2013

The Health Benefits of Biking

In a world that sets much store by physical appearance, to exercise and work out regularly is making sure you get to where you want to be and become who you want to be. A great smile, coupled with a great body works wonders as far as achieving your life goals are concerned. One is able to get anything and everything they desire, from that dream job to that dream guy or girl.

It is no surprise, therefore, why so many people these days make a beeline for the gym and chug down every kind of protein shake known to man. Still, there are some who take the road less travelled and opt to cycle their way to fitness and health even though most of humanity thinks riding bikes is just for kids.

But that was then, this is now. All across major cities in the world, you will be hard-pressed to find people who aren't riding bikes. Gone are the days when cars, trucks, buses and taxis ruled every major thoroughfare and contributed to the general pollution that was already damaging the ozone layer. These days, you'll see fixies, 3-speeds and geared bikes keeping pace with the rest of them, transporting their human cargo safely to their places of work, nimbly skimming through tight spaces and skillfully helping their riders avoid traffic by way of alleys and shortcuts.

And then there are also those who as a morning ritual take their bikes down bike lanes at local parks, taking in the hustle and bustle of the early morning rush and beginning their own days by cycling a few miles with their friends and neighbors or even just on their own. Cycling, you see, has become a favorite way to pass the time, to enjoy the scenery and the easiest and most fun way to get in some exercise. While most people think it's no big deal, riding your bike provides you with many health benefits, ones that may not be immediately obvious but ones that you will appreciate when it's time for that yearly physical and the doctor gives you a clean bill of health.

Cycling for one, is good for those who want to do low-impact exercises as it causes less strain and injuries than most forms of exercise. It is also one of the best exercises for when you want to make use of all your muscle groups. The main thing about cycling is that it is an aerobic activity, which means indulging in some serious bike time will ensure your heart and lungs get a good workout, as with the rest of your body.
First off, it helps increase your cardiovascular fitness and is more effective than a few rounds of using the stationary bike at the gym, not to mention more fun. It is also a great way to increase your muscle mass and tone your body especially the calves, thighs and your rear end (no pun intended). It is also great for people afflicted with joint problems or injuries to the legs and hips as it keeps them active and their muscles from degenerating.

For those with obesity problems, cycling increases your metabolism and heart rate in addition to burning fat. Done in conjunction with following a strict diet regimen, it promises to help you lose weight fast as cycling twice a day every day will help you lose five kilograms of fat within a year. Those with cardiovascular diseases also stand to benefit much from biking as it will strengthen your heart muscles, lower your resting pulse and reduce blood fat levels.

This fun activity has also been credited to help lower the risk for certain cancers and diabetes. Studies show that people who rode their bikes for at least 30 minutes every day lowered their risk of developing these deadly diseases by at least 40%. They were also able to improve their posture, balance and coordination and lessened the instances of fractures and falls.

So before you go thinking that biking is just for kids, think again because if these health benefits are anything to go by, you could find yourself still looking younger and healthier in a few years time - there's something to be said about all the fresh air you get from being outdoors all the time, after all.

Biking is more fun when you have bikes you know you can depend on to last and ones that require little maintenance that it doesn't take up too much of your time. Check out the best and most affordable 3 speed bicycles found only at and find out why more and more people are biking their way to good health and a great body.

source : The Health Benefits of Biking

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