Sunday, 28 July 2013

Food: Diet "sugar" you need to know

by Fathi Med
Fashion is now the sugar diets, or low carbs. In the United States, an estimated 35 million people undergoing or 1 in 10 Americans.

Plan "sugar"

There is no diet "sugar" in the strict sense because a certain amount of carbohydrates is essential to the body and - whatever the pathology involving the decrease (. Overweight, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, etc.) - food must provide a physiological minimum. There is therefore as hypoglycemic diets is to say impoverished sugar.

The body needs sugar, which it uses as fuel. Sugar is actually the only fuel the brain

The results of a sugar free diet

As the body has no intake of carbohydrates, it destroys muscle to turn it into sugar that frees the ketone body, a substance that decreases appetite, so it seems that all is well. In fact, everything goes wrong: you lose muscle in Ghent velocity V, fats ingested at will, increase cholesterol and therefore exposed to cardiovascular diseases.

In the end almost nonexistent plant consumption means no fiber, no vitamins or minerals, or protective substances, widely recognized and only present in fruits and vegetables.

What should you avoid sugar?

There are different types of sugar and you'll need to know the differences. For example, refined sugar, white sugar you add to your coffee or your cooking is not as good for health as the types of natural sugars such as honey, raw sugar or those based on fruit.
Therefore, avoid sugar that we put in coffee, jam, drinks that are not real fruit juice (lemonade, soda).

source : Food: Diet "sugar" you need to know

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