Friday 25 July 2014

Help! My Kid Is a Jerk!


By Lisa O'Neill Hill
WebMD Feature

Reviewed by Roy Benaroch, MD

Your kid is a great kid -- good sport, lots of good deeds -- but he has obnoxious moments. And those moments threaten your sanity.

Sometimes he doesn't listen to you. He won't take no for an answer. He's mean to his sister. You start to ask yourself, "Is my kid a jerk?"

Some ages are naturally harder on kids -- and parents.  But how can you tell what's normal? What can you do about it? And when should you get help?

"All of those behaviors are typically one of two things: A cry for help or attention," says Christine Carter, PhD, author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents. "I see these things as flags, maybe not red flags, but certainly yellow or orange."

They dish out sassy or back talk, yell, or have angry outbursts.

Why they do it: Disappointment, anger, or frustration

What you can do: Point out the difference between what your child feels and how she acts. Feelings are always OK. Tell your child you understand her feelings, but help her take the heat out of the moment.

"The most appropriate response [when you feel] angry is to do something to calm yourself down so you can be effective," Carter says. Suggest your kid take 10 deep breaths or write a letter that she never sends. After a few minutes, she can come back and try again to talk calmly.

They disobey or ignore you.

Why they do it: She's testing her limits. She probably wants more freedom but might feel too controlled."Sometimes ... parents don't adjust their expectations for the kid, so they may still be treating the kid like he or she is 8 or 9," when she's older, Kenefick says. Kids, especially teenagers, need a bit of freedom. "When parents don't give kids this opportunity, that's when they see a lot of conflict."

What you can do: Let them make choices that are right for their age. "Their lives are so structured and they're just trying to carve out a place for themselves," Carter says. But they also need limits. "If they don't feel like they have boundaries, they will start disobeying you a lot to test you," she says. So it's important to follow through when they break the rules -- each and every time.

They beg or won't take no for an answer.

Why they do it: They're upset you didn't say yes.

What you can do: Negotiation between parents and kids is normal. But it's different than whining and begging. If you say "no" to your kid's request, he should learn how to deal with his disappointment. Carter suggests that parents be firm when something isn't open to discussion. How do you do that? Tell your child not to ask again. "You have the ability to say 'no' and not negotiate," Carter says. 

source : Help! My Kid Is a Jerk!

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