Saturday 31 August 2013

Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe

Chicken and Tomato Salad is a simple but significant healthy diet salad. It is a balanced diet plan salad. Chicken and Tomato salad is helpful for healthy heart, weight loss and low cholesterol programs.

Chicken and Tomato Salad RecipeIngredients

  • Boneless Chicken 1 pound
  • Tomatoes 1 pound
  • Broccoli florets 4 cups
  • Olive oil 2 to 3 teaspoons (cooking oil)
  • Salt 1 teaspoon (as per taste)
  • Pepper fresh ground 1 teaspoon
  • Chili powder half teaspoon (as per taste)
  • Lemon juice half cup

Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe Preparation

Start preparing the chicken and tomato salad recipe. First step is to put chicken in the saucepan with sufficient water to boil, cook 10 to 15 minutes softly until chicken is cooked. After that let the chicken to be cool and then slice the chicken into small pieces.

Took a big pot and fill it with water to boil broccoli and cook for 5 minutes. When broccoli boiled put it in another pot to cool.

Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe is in progress, in the meantime, cut tomatoes in half diagonally. Softly put out tomato’s seeds. Put the tomatoes on paper or paper towels to drain for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes sweep the cut side of tomatoes with olive oil or other cooking oil you used.

Over high burner put a large pan until very hot. Now place tomatoes in this pan with oily side down and sweep olive oil on the top side of tomatoes. Cook the tomatoes until well-cooked. Now place tomatoes in a plate and chop them after cool.

Put 3 teaspoons cooking oil in the heated pan, mix with salt, chili powder and pepper. Cook for one minute on medium heat. Add lemon juice in it and put off burner. Now put this mixture in a bowl and add chicken, broccoli and chopped tomatoes in it and mix them. Healthy Chicken and Tomato Salad is ready to serve. Sever the salad after dressing.

Before serving chicken and tomato salad you can add more Lemon and salt if required.

source : Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe
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Men’s Healthy Diet Plan Tips

men’s healthy dietFor healthy life take 3 balanced and healthy meal in a day. Here are the few men’s healthy diet plan tips and suggestion that will help men to keep healthy and fit. 


Breakfast is to load calories for a body. Don’t skip breakfast, take a light diet in breakfast like glass of milk and a bread toast. Dairy, eggs, grains and fresh juices are also healthy diet plan for men. Proteins in this diet plan increase the growth of muscular growth.

men’s healthy diet planLUNCH

 Lunch is to pick nutrition for your body as much as your diet plan contains, so keep your diet plan healthy and balanced. Fruits, vegitables, beans, grains and fresh salads are important ingredients in men’s healthy diet plan.


Meats, fish, vegitables and legumes are healthy ingredients in dinner for men’s health.

Taking dinner in time and a light walk after that is useful for healthy life.

source : Men’s Healthy Diet Plan Tips
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10 Most Common Ways to Cook Chicken

10 Most Common Ways to Cook ChickenChicken is one of the most common and popular foods on earth. There's an abundance of chicken in a majority of markets in many places around the world. It's being famous as an international food makes the chicken the subject of many cooking styles and approaches.

We have been eating chicken all our lives, but it didn't come to us how this tasty meat can adapt to different cooking methods.

To satisfy our curiosity, here are some of the most common ways to cook chicken:

1. Shallow-Frying

One of the most popular methods, shallow-frying cooks the chicken by soaking it in about one inch of oil. The chicken is allowed to cook, and as the first side is done, the meat is turned over to cook the other side.

2. Braising

Braising involves the cooking of large cuts of chicken by partially soaking it with liquid such as broth, cider, or wine. The cooking is done gradually and at low temperature. This results in a very tender, delicious meat.

3. Grilling

Grilling is done by cooking chicken meat over direct heat. It is the fastest method that is applicable to all cuts of meat. Even whole chicken can be grilled provided it is opened at the middle. Grilled chicken tastes the best when it is marinated before cooking and brushed with cooking oil or something that can add flavor to it.

4. Poaching

This method involves simmering the chicken in liquid until it is fully cooked. This method is typically used for making chicken broth for chicken soup or preparing the meat for low fat and low calorie dishes.

5. Spatchcock

In spatchcock cooking, the cook opens the chicken and removes the spine, the breast bone and the tips of the wings. This makes the chicken ready for roasting or grilling. Spatchcocking is usually intended to make the chicken cook in half the time than cooking it with its bones on.

6. Deep Frying

Deep-frying is a method that cooks the chicken by immersing it fully in cooking oil. This method cooks the meat quickly, especially if the cook uses a large pot to contain the meat and the oil.

7. Baking

Baking involves cooking the chicken in an oven at a temperature of between 350 - 375 degrees Fahrenheit. The cook then rubs the chicken with herbs and seasonings to make it more delicious and aromatic.

8. Stir-Frying

Stir-frying is method of cooking that is very popular in East Asia. It involves the removal of the skin and bones and the meat is fried in high temperature.

9. Sauteing

In sauteing, the chicken is chopped into small pieces and cooked thoroughly. After this, the cook adds sauce or broth into the chicken, and the entire dish is allowed to cook.

10. Stewing

Stewing is the most ideal method of cooking for dark meat chicken. Some cooks sear the meat before stewing, but this method is optional. Then he adds liquid to the pot and leaves the meat to cook at low temperature. You can actually stew chicken without having to sear it.

10 Most Common Ways to Cook ChickenStephen John is a food and wine enthusiast. He blogs about food, wine, and culture and writes wine reviews for a living. He loves to travel and try exotic cuisines of different countries. His love for good food has led him to Food plus which made learn many things about cooking good food.Visit Foodplus website and discover why Stephen loves it.

source : 10 Most Common Ways to Cook Chicken
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Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle

Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle

The 500 Calorie Diet Plan is gaining "legs" in popularity on the Internet, but it holds the possibility of costing dieters leg muscle along with fat if misused. In fact, it is only recommended for limited use under strict medical supervision for those who are morbidly obese -- those with a Body Mass Index of over 30.

It is, however, growing in popularity among those with a lower BMI. Witness the number of Web sites touting the supposed "quick and easy" weight loss available through The 500 Calorie Diet Plan. Programs such as the Grapefruit Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, and Sacred Heart diet are sprouting up all over.

What they all have in common is a plan to limit the daily intake of calories to under 800 and, more typically, to no more than 500. While that will cause dramatic weight loss during the prescribed four to 16 weeks of the diet, it also can result in severe health consequences to those who stay on the diet longer or who were under the BMI 30 threshold to begin with.
Cutting calories also cuts the nutrients your body needs. The 500 Calorie Diet Plan dramatically limits vitamins, protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Just the reduction in fiber means dieters can have major problems with constipation and diarrhea. Carbohydrates are needed for energy and concentration. Protein loss will show up as dull hair and skin.
The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can lead to gallstones and gout. Thanks to the imbalance of bile salts and cholesterol, gallstone formation is the most common serious side effect of a low calorie diet. Gout can appear with a change in uric acid levels.
Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle
More insidious is that a low calorie diet can trick the body into thinking it is being malnourished and so needs to begin storing fat. This can cause the absorption of good tissue if there is not enough fat available. At the same time, the body's metabolism will slow in an effort to reduce the need for burning fat.
Some dieters who keep getting on and off The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can develop eating disorders because they find it difficult to return to normal eating habits. So the onslaught of bulimia and anorexia nervous can be included among the negatives related to low calorie intake.
Those who flat out should not even consider The 500 Calorie Diet Plan, according to doctors, are pregnant or lactating women, those over 50, children, and people with conditions such as cardiovascular disease or kidney dysfunction.
For some, probably the worst news about this quick weight loss scheme is that it most likely will not last. Yes, at first the pounds will come off and the loss will be noticeable. However, much of the weight lost will have been water, and that cannot be sustained once the dieter returns to a fairly regular diet. The weight will return, particularly if the metabolism has been affected.
So the best diet remains a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and fats. Add to that plenty of exercise and you have the formula for healthy weight loss. Sorry about that.

Calorie for Healthy Lifestyle

source : Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle
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Diet Plan Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Diet Plan Tips for Healthy Weight Loss                 When fitness experts speak of healthy weight loss, they are referring to a process that reshapes the body positively with a longer lasting effect that also makes the person come out healthier. There may be a lot of weight loss plans out there but some are really unhealthy, plus the fact that the results are only temporary, hence, the person is lead to a life of constant dieting to no avail.
Healthy weight loss would result to loss of body fat and at the same time results to muscle preservation. Muscles are important because they are tools that facilitate calorie burning, which of course means storage of lesser fats in the body.
The overall effect of applying a healthy weight loss program is a reshaped, slimmer body that people would envy.
Healthy Diet Plan Tips for Healthy LifeIn other words, healthy weight loss works in two ways: decreasing body fats and taking care of the muscles in your body. Muscle actually helps keep your weight under control and of course, the less body fat you have, the more toned your body will be, thus a slimming effect is achieved. Aside from that, the unwanted weight is kept off one's body for a longer time period.

Take note that healthy weight loss is not a "lose fat quickly" method, but is a slower method that requires patience and hard work. However, studies show how losing weight slowly but surely gives you longer lasting results as compared to losing weight quickly that will still come back soon enough. In healthy weight loss, you do not only shed off those extra pounds but also prevent the so called weight regain.

- Say No to Bad Eating Habits

If you keep coming back to bad eating habits, then more often than not, those fats would keep on coming back. It is best to try the "habit exchange system" wherein you just replace a bad habit with a good habit. The more you get rid of bad eating habits, the greater the chances of becoming slimmer.

Its time to take action against your weight problem. Learn The Truth About Natural Weight Loss, and why it is so hard to lose weight naturally.
Here is another foolproof way of Getting Rid of That Extra Body Fat fast.

Health and Diet Plan Tips

source : Diet Plan Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
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Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and Skin Care

Health benefits of coconut oil are various but here we stated some of them are follow. I use coconut oil for these reasons and enjoying my lifestyle. Coconut oil is the main item of my balanced and healthy diet plan.

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss Program

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and Skin CareCoconut oil is good health oil for your health and it is found that coconut oil reduces abdominal fatness. Coconut oil protects your body from insulin resistance.  Coconut oil is best for weight loss program and you can start it by adding coconut oil in your healthy and balanced diet.

Coconut Oil for Digestion

If you have poor digestion system then adds coconut oil to your balanced and healthy diet plan. Coconut oil is best cooking oil and good for digestion system.

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss ProgramCoconut Oil for Diabetes

Coconut oil is best for diabetes patients and keeps them healthy.

Coconut Oil Boost Metabolism

A study stated that coconut oil boost metabolism.

Coconut Oil for Skin Care

Coconut is not only cooking oil. Coconut oil also use for skin care. It keeps the skin's tissues physically healthy. Coconut oil gives a healthy glow to your skin, face and body.

So add coconut oil in your healthy diet plan and enjoy your lifestyle.

Coconut Oil for Skin Care

source : Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and Skin Care
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How to Lose Weight Fast


Most of us have had to face at least once with the issue of losing weight. Of course, we wanted to do it using the most simple and fast. They sound so fabulous, and why we want it so bad, he comes to believe in miracle pills and diets in the short term, that promise to help you lose weight fast and have the appearance of our dreams in record time. These methods of weight loss could provide quick satisfaction, but it will only be for a short period of time, because of some long-term side effects that do nothing but slow down our metabolism and make you feel faint.

What I'm trying to say is that you can lose weight fast, but it is very important to the way you choose to do this, and how you start it. First you have to accept the situation you're in and how you gained your weight, without judging yourself too! And 'what it is, we are human beings, after all, you can not go back in time, so from now on we will take the most effective measures that will change our way of life in the long term or even forever - if we really want this.

Once you've managed to do that, the rest becomes easier and easier! There are only a few basic rules that must be respected and that will help you lose weight fast from the early days. Here are listed the most important ones that should become a routine in your life:

How to lose weight fast

1) Drink plenty of water

This is not a secret, you hear this everywhere, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day! Well, there's a reason why I put this principle in the first place! Water is vital, detoxifies the body and contributes to the metabolism of the fires. My advice is to drink plenty of water, if possible, even three or four liters per day (you can also drink tea or lemonade sweetened with honey). They always have a bottle of water next to you, it will be much easier. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water because then the body is already dehydrated and it is too late. The water often help you realize that you were actually thirsty, not hungry!

2) Breakfast

It 'very important what kind of food your giving your body for the first time that day! It 's true that breakfast should be rich, but do not overdo it, because if you eat a lot in the morning, eat a lot all day long! It is recommended that the first morning snack should consist of fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, mango, pineapple, nectarines - avoid bananas. Fruits not only great for detoxification, but also offer essential vitamins for the body and helps you lose weight faster. So, try to eat a little 'fruit during the morning, about 1-2 hours before breakfast.

3) Eat moderate!

At the beginning, it will be rather difficult to give away all of your old diet that you have been accustomed to, so will not even ask you to do so. Do not limit yourself to anything, except for the amount of food you eat. First you have to get used to eating less and more moderate. Be honest with yourself and listen to your stomach! Eat slowly and enjoy your food, you will know when to stop, even if you have not emptied the pot! Do not be driven by appetite, appetite is only in our brain and is the biggest enemy against weight loss. Conclusion: Satisfy your appetite, but be moderate! If you listen to your body, you will eventually feel that the amount of food you've eaten (smaller than you were used to) will be more than enough! Give your body what it needs, not what your appetite tells you!

4) Be more active!

To lose weight fast, the change in your lifestyle diet should be combined with an active lifestyle, with practice! It 's very important to not only lose weight but also to increase the strength of the body, become more healthy, and help increase the immune system. What is the golden rule to help you be able to do regular exercise, without giving up after a couple of weeks only? Well, do sports in a moderate pace, enough to feel that you've worked your body and just a little 'more! So you could always do without thinking with horror of gym class you need to attend today, or fitness, aerobics, etc. Do not push yourself too much, because you will not be able to keep up with it for a long time and soon 'll stop! Start moderate and if you're honest with yourself you will feel when your body is able to handle a greater effort and then you know that it's time to increase the difficulty of the exercise. The activity more efficient that will help you lose weight fast is running! It uses many muscles in the body and helps to increase endurance. There is no problem if you can not run and you get tired too easily! Just run as much as possible, then take a break while you are still walking up the return to normal breathing, then start running again and so on!

5) Find your hobby

Most of us gain weight because we find great pleasure in eating! Well, here is the moment when a hobby should interfere! Whether it's art or just walking your dog, think about what you enjoy doing and devote your time to do this! Therefore you will spend your time in a pleasant way, and think less ... food! Sometimes you eat because you're bored and have nothing else to do, or we are stressed, anxious, etc. Do not hurt yourself like that! Insulate yourself from these thoughts of retiring in your hobby!

Once you make these small changes you can enjoy the feeling of not only have a lower weight, but also a healthy body and mind! You will not regret it, just be honest with yourself and have confidence! Anything is possible if you really want! It 's all a matter of willpower!

Juicing for weight loss

JuicingLa diet plays a very important role when it comes to the question to maintain proper weight. Often, being overweight or obese is a consequence of bad eating and other lifestyle habits. Of course, you can expect that any program of weight loss must be as a necessity, placed the emphasis on incorporating the right diet. Such is the case of juicing for weight loss.

For those who are wondering, juicing for weight loss simply means using the juices of fruits and vegetables to bring those who are overweight or obese to a desirable size. Continue reading →

All of tea weight loss

decree you knew that weight loss tea helps detoxify the body, facilitating the elimination of toxins accumulated over time. If you decide to start a diet, you should know that you should consume at least one cup of tea cleansing, can be consumed before or after meals to aid digestion.

The diuretic tea is one of the most recommended by nutritionists also be known in a small measure to its laxative properties. The advantage is that it has a pleasant flavor, even if it is not sweetened. You can prepare a liter of tea like this: 6 tablespoons dried elderberry flowers to the boiling water, leaving everything to be covered for 15 minutes.

Mint tea is known for its ability to reduce appetite. For an infusion only use two teaspoons of dried herb or green. It also helps in digestion. On the other hand, drink peppermint tea too often leads to constipation.

Black tea has similar benefits of green tea and Chinese.
It sets in motion the metabolism and promotes the burning of fat. At the same time, it controls the level of blood sugar in the body. Can be used in place of coffee, the effects are similar.

Simple Tricks to Lose Weight

go on lose these five simple tips and you will lose weight in no time.


Nutritionists, says that the little details, the ones that you hardly notice it, are the ones that cause a radical change in body weight. The latest research shows that people usually do not take into account the calories that the liquid contains, then eat more than you should. Avoid the trap of calories contained in drinks, drinking tea, regular coffee, water, and occasionally skim milk, diet soft drinks.

Use smaller plates, because in this way you will automatically serve small portions of food without even realizing it. A spoonful of pasta or a potato less will save you 31 calories. Continue reading →

Losing fat eating ice cream

gelatoRecenti research shows that ice cream can help you lose fat if it is rich in calcium, but only if it is consumed by the number of calories in the program for a day.

The daily consumption of calcium helps you lose weight more than 26% and 38% more fat than usual.

Other studies have found that ice cream burn fat, helps you lose a few pounds more quickly than if they abstain. Of course, you are allowed to eat ice cream, but with moderation!

Nutrition specialists recommend that before starting any diet consult your doctor, do not skip meals, drink more than two liters of water a day and avoid fats.

Cycling - calories burned on a motorcycle

cycling bicycle is the best way to burn calories, if you are not going to get a bike in the near future, to discover that the solution to your problems may lie in it.

In half an hour you will burn 235 calories on average, but of course depends on the shape of your body. Experts indicate that the ideal duration of cycling is one hour.

You can also use the opportunity and take your bike to school, to work, to the market and also in the park with friends.

All these activities mixed with an appropriate diet can produce wonders for your silhouette.

source : How to Lose Weight Fast
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Mellow Music May Help Stave Off Road Rage


The sooner you tune in, the better, study finds

WebMD News from HealthDay

Car commuters have higher blood pressure, more

By Robert Preidt

HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDay News) -- A quick switch to mellow music in the car may make you a safer driver, researchers say.

Promptly changing to soothing music is the most effective way to calm down while driving in stressful conditions that could trigger road rage, found the study published in the Aug. 30 issue of the journal Ergonomics.

It was already known that music can influence mood and driving styles. More accidents occur when drivers listen to "upbeat" music, possibly because the music is more distracting or because it causes drivers to go faster. Downbeat music is more relaxing and associated with safer driving.

However, there were questions about whether a quick or gradual switch from upbeat to downbeat music was most effective in changing drivers' moods. To get answers, researchers had volunteers tackle demanding driving conditions in a simulator while they listened to different types of music.

Participants who switched to more mellow music abruptly or gradually both reached the same levels of calmness eventually. However, those who made the switch quickly became calm sooner and made fewer driving mistakes, according to a journal news release.

The results show that "during high-demand driving, abrupt changes in music led to more physiological calmness and improved driving performance and were thus safer and more effective," concluded researcher Marjolein van der Zwaag, of Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, and colleagues in the Netherlands and at Stanford University in California.

The investigators said their findings could also apply to office or hospital settings to encourage or relax listeners.

source : Mellow Music May Help Stave Off Road Rage
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Glass of Wine a Day May Ward Off Depression, Study Suggests


But, moderate drinking might also just be sign of normal social life, researchers add

WebMD News from HealthDay

But, moderate drinking might also just be sign of

By Steven Reinberg

HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDay News) -- In the same way that a little wine may be good for the heart, it might also help avoid depression, a Spanish study suggests.

So while drinking a lot of wine or other alcohol may be a sign of depression or other mental health problems, alcohol in moderation may benefit mental health, the study authors contend.

"One drink a day, preferentially wine, may help prevent depression," said lead researcher Dr. Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, chair of the department of preventive medicine and public health at the University of Navarra, in Pamplona.

But several mental health experts not involved with the study had reservations about the findings. And the research only found an association between moderate drinking and emotional well-being; it didn't prove cause-and-effect.

Martinez-Gonzalez said he thinks the apparent benefit of wine in preventing depression may work the same way that moderate drinking helps prevent heart disease.

"Depression and heart disease seem to share some common mechanisms because they share many similar protective factors and risk factors," he said. However, he added that depression prevention is not a reason to start drinking.

"If you are not a drinker, please don't start drinking," he said. "If you drink alcohol, please keep it in the range of one or less drinks a day and consider drinking wine instead of other alcoholic beverages."

The report was published Aug. 30 in the online journal BMC Medicine.

Tony Tang, an adjunct psychology professor at Northwestern University, in Evanston, Ill., said the new research "is consistent with other studies suggesting modest health benefits of very modest drinking."

But, Tang said other factors may be at work in the potential connection between wine and depression. He noted that compared to nondrinkers, those in the Spanish study who drank a moderate amount of wine were more likely to be married men who were also physically active.

Being single or divorced, living alone and being sedentary "are well-established risk factors of depression. Thus, perhaps the correlation between modest drinking and depression is a coincidence caused by these other known factors," he said.

"An adequate social life is the most important factor we know that protects people from depression," Tang said. "Perhaps not drinking is a sign of serious social isolation in Spain while drinking a glass of wine a day is simply a sign of having a normal social life."

For the study, researchers followed more than 5,500 light-to-moderate drinkers for up to seven years. All the participants were part of a large Spanish study on nutrition and cardiovascular health, and were between 55 and 80 years old.

None of the individuals had suffered from depression or had alcohol-related problems at the start of the study. Over seven years, with medical exams, interviews with dietitians and questionnaires, the researchers kept tabs on participants' mental health and lifestyle.

source : Glass of Wine a Day May Ward Off Depression, Study Suggests
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Tylenol to Come With New Warning


WebMD News from HealthDay

Aug. 30, 2013 -- Caps on bottles of the popular pain reliever Tylenol that are sold in the United States will soon come with warnings alerting consumers to the potential for liver failure and even death, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

The warning will state that Tylenol's active ingredient is acetaminophen, the nation's leading cause of sudden liver failure. The new cap is designed to alert consumers who may not read similar warnings that already appear in small print on the product's label, the AP said.

In addition to Tylenol, acetaminophen is contained in more than 600 over-the-counter products used by nearly one in four American adults every week. Those other products include such popular brands as Nyquil cold formula, Excedrin pain tablets and Sudafed sinus pills, the AP reported.

Tylenol's maker, Johnson & Johnson, said the warning will appear on the cap of each new bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol sold in the United States starting in October, and on most other Tylenol bottles in coming months, the news service said.

Overdoses from acetaminophen send an estimated 55,000 to 80,000 people to U.S. emergency rooms every year and kill at least 500 people, according to the federal health officials.

source : Tylenol to Come With New Warning
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In Showdowns Between Sexes, Male Ego Bruises Easily


When wives or girlfriends succeed, men's self-esteem sags, study contends

WebMD News from HealthDay

When wives or girlfriends succeed, men's

By Dennis Thompson

HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDay News) -- Men tend to feel worse about themselves when their wives or girlfriends succeed, with their self-esteem sagging rather than basking in the glory of their partners' accomplishments.

That's the conclusion of a study published online recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

A series of social experiments revealed that men's subconscious self-esteem bruises easily when their partner succeeds in a task, even if they're not competing against each other in that task, said study lead author Kate Ratliff.

"It makes sense that a man might feel threatened if his girlfriend outperforms him in something they're doing together, such as trying to lose weight," said Ratliff, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Florida.

"But this research found evidence that men automatically interpret a partner's success as their own failure, even when they're not in direct competition," she added in a news release from the American Psychological Association.

At the same time, a male partner's success had no effect at all on a woman's self-esteem, the researchers found.

"We sort of expected that women would internalize the success of their partner and actually feel better if their partner succeeded, but we found that nothing was going on," Ratliff said. "It could be that women are used to the idea that men are expected to be successful, so when they are it's no big deal."

The study involved 896 people in five experiments conducted in the United States and the Netherlands.

The first experiment included 32 couples at the University of Virginia who took a problem-solving test. Then they were told that their partner scored either in the top or bottom 12 percent of all university students. Participants did not receive information about their own performance.

The news of their partners' success or failure did not affect how participants said they consciously felt about themselves, which the study authors referred to as "explicit self-esteem."

But, tests gauging "implicit self-esteem" -- a person's unconscious and unspoken sense of self -- found that men who believed that their partner had scored in the top 12 percent had significantly lower self-esteem than men who believed their partner had scored in the bottom 12 percent.

"I want to be clear -- this really isn't the case that men are saying, 'I'm so upset my partner did well.' The men aren't acting different toward their partners. It's not like the men are being jerks," Ratliff said. "It's just hurting their sense of self to be in a relationship with someone who has experienced a success."

These findings were replicated in a pair of follow-up studies done in the Netherlands, a country that boasts one of the smallest gender gaps in labor, education and politics. Like American men, Dutch men outwardly said they felt fine, but subconsciously they felt worse about themselves when faced with a wife's or girlfriend's success.

source : In Showdowns Between Sexes, Male Ego Bruises Easily
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Whole Fruits Tied to Lower Diabetes Risk


But fruit juices appeared to raise risk for type 2 disease in long-term study

WebMD News from HealthDay

But fruit juices appeared to raise risk in

By Randy Dotinga

HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDay News) -- It's no secret that fruit is good for you. But what kind? A new study links whole fruits -- especially blueberries, grapes and apples -- to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, but suggests that fruit juices may actually raise the risk.

The design of the study, however, doesn't allow it to prove that whole fruits or fruit juices directly affect the risk of diabetes.

"While fruits are recommended as a measure for diabetes prevention, previous studies have found mixed results for total fruit consumption," senior author Qi Sun, an assistant professor in the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, said in a school news release. "Our findings provide novel evidence suggesting that certain fruits may be especially beneficial for lowering diabetes risk."

The researchers base their findings on an analysis of nearly 190,000 people who took part in three studies from 1984 to 2008 and weren't initially diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. About 7 percent of the participants were later diagnosed with diabetes.

People who ate fruits, especially blueberries, grapes and apples, at least twice a week were up to 23 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who ate them no more than once a month, the researchers found. But those who drank a serving or more of fruit juice a day had an increased risk, up to 21 percent higher than the others.

What's going on? It's possible that something other than fruit and fruit juice consumption could explain the differences. Perhaps people who eat certain fruits share something else in common that affects their risk of diabetes.

"Our data further endorse current recommendations on increasing whole fruits, but not fruit juice, as a measure for diabetes prevention," lead study author Isao Muraki, a research fellow with the Harvard School of Public Health department of nutrition, said in the news release. "And our novel findings may help refine this recommendation to facilitate diabetes prevention."

The study appeared online in the Aug. 29 issue of the journal BMJ.

source : Whole Fruits Tied to Lower Diabetes Risk
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Friday 30 August 2013

Does Food Have An Impact On Hair Health?

It seems that everything centers on diet in today's age. Most probably, because people are taking more interest in the nutritional aspects of food as opposed to what tastes good.

The hair has an interest in nutrition as well. There is some controversy as to whether food really plays an important part in the overall condition of our hair. The bigger question here would be why wouldn't food have an impact on our general hair health? Food sustains every other part of body and our hair is a living part of our anatomy.

Based on the premise that food is important to hair health raises the interesting question of is there certain foods that are more beneficial than others are? If we look at some of our other organs, they benefit more significantly from specific food types. For example, it is reported that carrots are extremely good in aiding our vision.

We know that iron is important for every inch of our body, including the hair. Having said this then one would be wise to go for foods that are rich in iron. This brings us to the iron rich vitamins such as spinach and in the meat department, it would be liver. If these are not on your favorites list then you could go for eggs, dates and raisins.

Vitamin E especially in its natural form is excellent and in fact a necessity for the body as well as the hair. Avocado, nuts, seeds as well as olive oil will provide you with these necessities.
There is some substantial information that points to spices like turmeric and cumin are beneficial in helping hair grow and coconut helps to ward off premature graying.

So then, if we proceed on the belief that there are certain foods that are beneficial to the hair we would also have to believe that there are certain foods that may not be so good for it. After all, if there are bad foods for the body then the hair has to be included.

One nutrient that people do not pay too much heed to and yet is very important to our overall body and hair condition is sulphur as found in meat, fish, nuts, legumes and several vegetables particularly onions.

It is fast becoming a known fact that caffeine and aerated drinks can have a detrimental effect on the overall health. It would be interesting to study what effects sugar has on the hair. We are well aware that there are many types of illness that can affect the hair in regards to hair shine and healthy hair.

Not only is what we eat important for our hair but what we do to it and how we care for it is equally as important. Using superior hair care products will go a long way in keeping your hair in good hair condition as well as keeping it manageable.

source : Does Food Have An Impact On Hair Health?
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IRS Ruling On Same-Sex Couples Has Implications For Health Law


By Mary Agnes Carey

Thursday’s announcement that the federal government will give the same tax treatment to legally married same-sex couples as they do to heterosexual couples may have ripple effects for the 2010 health care law.

The decision from the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service means that the income of legally married same-sex couples will be considered in determining eligibility for enrollment in the health law’s Medicaid expansion and for subsidies to purchase coverage in the law’s online marketplaces, or exchanges.

The tax ruling applies regardless of whether the couple lives in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage, the agencies said.

Treasury officials did not offer estimates on what the decision would mean for the numbers of people who enroll in the exchanges or Medicaid, or the amount of subsidies the government would provide.

In a statement, Treasury and IRS officials also provided new guidance to people who get coverage for a same-sex spouse from their employer. The announcement said that coverage would no longer trigger income tax on the value of that coverage.

The ruling implements federal tax aspects of the June Supreme Court decision that invalidated a key provision of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

“Today’s ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax filing guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide,” said Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew. “It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections under federal law that all Americans deserve.”

One tax expert said the ruling could be a mixed bag for same-sex couples, and he urged them to consider their individual circumstances to determine if the announcement would help or hurt their ability to qualify for the health law’s subsidies or Medicaid.

In an analysis, Brian Haile, senior vice president for health policy for Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc., said same-sex partners who each have an income of $40,000 may be eligible for the health law’s tax credits individually, not if they get married. “If they marry, then they would lose eligibility because their income would be over the threshold for a household of two,” said Haile, who is based in Nashville, Tenn.

Same-sex partners with incomes of $30,000 and $80,000, respectively, would not qualify for the health law’s tax credits if they were married because their income would be too high, but the individual earning $30,000 would qualify for the credits if they remain unmarried, he wrote in an email.

Same-sex couples who live in one of the states that have not expanded Medicaid may benefit from getting legally married if each of them earned less than $11,500 a year. By staying single, neither would qualify for exchange tax credits because their income would below 100 percent of the poverty line - currently $11,490. Individuals whose incomes are less than 100 percent of poverty are not eligible for the health law’s exchange credits. Their combined income would put them above the poverty level for a two-member household, $15,510, and, therefore, as a married couple they would qualify for tax credits on the insurance marketplaces.

Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan health policy research and communications organization not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.

source : IRS Ruling On Same-Sex Couples Has Implications For Health Law
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Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days

Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days
With the advice of Professor. Pietro Antonio Migliaccio (, President of the Italian Society of Food Science (SISA) and in collaboration with Dr. Silvia Mozzetta in dietetics.
Like every year, when summer comes, it is time for "x": change the wardrobe and you realize that the clothes are a po'stretti. So the question arises: are really ready to test costume? That's why we asked the little rof. PIETRANTONIO Migliaccio, president of the Italian Society of Food Science (SISA), a kind of diet "last minute", fast and simple to follow, and which does not require too many sacrifices. With a major advantage for all those women (and men) who spend their lunch break outside the home. Why have you been so many
to write: when you work all day is difficult to follow a diet that includes more dishes at lunch.

Very often the break is consumed in a hurry and do not always have the opportunity to eat a hot meal. This is the real problem for those who want to not only lose weight, but at least not gain weight and maintain a physical form acceptable. The diet that prof. Peter A. Migliaccio has developed exclusively for more Sani Most Beautiful, provides food choices that not only can be worn with ease even at the bar, but in a context varied food, view and also satisfy the palate. Thus, among the alternatives, were covered rolls, sandwiches, toast, pizza and ice cream. Your choice of toppings: the only care is to respect the grammage of food, when specified. So even when you have no way to have lunch at home you can safely follow a proper diet. The dinner, but today is the main meal of the day for many of us, is structured as a main dish, hot or cold, with a side dish of vegetables. Take advantage of this important time to relax, eat slowly and enjoy the conviviality with family or friends

source : Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days
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Fast-Food Ads Aimed at Kids Focus on Toys, Not Food


Almost 70 percent include free toys or other giveaways, study says

WebMD News from HealthDay

By Mary Elizabeth Dallas

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Aug. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Unlike fast-food advertisements geared toward adults, which feature burgers and fries, those targeting children focus more on free toys, movie tie-ins and other giveaways, according to a new study.

In light of their findings, researchers called for more regulation of fast-food marketing to children.

"Given health concerns about obesity and its relation to fast-food consumption, enhanced oversight of fast-food marketing to children at the local, state and federal level is needed to align advertising to children with health promotion efforts and existing principles of honest and fair marketing to children," the study's authors wrote.

The study, led by Dr. James Sargent, a professor of pediatrics at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, involved fast-food ads appearing on children's television networks, such Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. These ads were compared to fast-food marketing campaigns geared toward adults.

The study, published Aug. 28 in the journal PLoS One, revealed that the advertisements aimed at children featured food packaging, movie tie-ins and exterior shots of the fast-food restaurants. Almost 70 percent of the kids' ads also included free toys or other giveaways.

In contrast, the campaigns targeting adults focused on the taste, cost and portion size of the foods available at the restaurant. The researchers noted that only 1 percent of the adult ads included a giveaway.

"Fast-food companies use free toys and popular movies to appeal to kids, and their ads are much more focused on promotions, brands and logos -- not on the food," Sargent said in a news release from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the study.

"These are techniques that the companies' own self-regulatory body calls potentially misleading," Sargent said.

The researchers noted that previous studies have shown that associating fast food with cartoon characters can influence children's perceptions about how food tastes and also increase their consumption. The Better Business Bureau has also stated that children's ads should feature food that has met certain nutritional criteria.

source : Fast-Food Ads Aimed at Kids Focus on Toys, Not Food
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HPV Vaccination Rates Among Teens Still Lagging: CDC


Doctors need to suggest it when recommending other vaccines for teens, researchers say

WebMD News from HealthDay

By Steven Reinberg

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Aug. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Not enough teens are getting the vaccine that protects against the human papillomavirus (HPV), and doctors' reluctance to recommend it may be part of the reason why, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.

Although the tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccination rate has risen to 84.6 percent of teens, only 20.8 percent of boys and 53.8 percent of girls have had a least one dose of the HPV vaccine, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We have continued to have increases in coverage for 14- to 17-year-olds for the Tdap vaccine and there is still progress on the meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) vaccine, but our coverage is not moving forward with the HPV vaccine for girls, and coverage is low for the HPV vaccine for boys," said Dr. Melinda Wharton, deputy director of the CDC's National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases.

The reason HPV vaccination among girls is lagging is because doctors aren't routinely recommending it when they give Tdap and MenACWY vaccinations, Wharton said.

"Although providers are very good about conveying the need for Tdap and MenACWY, they are less strong in making a recommendation for the HPV vaccine," Wharton said. "This could be because they are anticipating parental concerns."

The CDC now recommends that every boy and girl aged 11 to 12 get the HPV vaccine, which is given in three shots. The vaccine is both safe and effective, and prevents up to 70 percent of cervical cancers and 90 percent of vaginal warts.

In addition, the vaccine protects against some cancers of the head and neck, according to the CDC.

Some people worry that getting the HPV vaccine will make girls more sexually active. "But we need to protect them, because if we don't we are leaving them unnecessarily vulnerable to serious and deadly diseases that could be prevented, and we just can't do that, " Wharton said.

Wharton said HPV vaccination is a regular part of the vaccine schedule and should not be treated as anything special or different.

The fact that HPV is sexually transmitted shouldn't be a concern, she said. "The fact of the matter is this vaccine prevents cancers," she said.

"We don't have to get into a conversation about how pertussis is transmitted," she said. "We say what the vaccine is for and we make a recommendation, and if people have questions they can ask those questions. It is not necessary to get into long discussions about questions that people haven't even asked."

The report was published in the Aug. 30 edition of the CDC publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Dr. Jennifer Wu, an ob/gyn at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that "some parents see HPV as a sexually transmitted disease and they are worried that it will encourage sexual activity, but I don't think most children are looking at HPV that way."

source : HPV Vaccination Rates Among Teens Still Lagging: CDC
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Michigan Senate OK's Medicaid Expansion


Aug. 29, 2013 -- Michigan took a significant step this week toward becoming the 25th state to approve the expansion of Medicaid, a key part of the Affordable Care Act.

The Republican-controlled Senate approved the bill by a vote of 20-18. Because lawmakers couldn’t win a two-thirds majority in support of the law -- or at least 26 votes -- it won’t go into effect until April 1, 2014.

“I’m glad we were able to move forward on this bill for the hundreds of thousands of people across Michigan who will now have access to health care along with the significant burden this will lift off our state’s budget,” said Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing). “But it’s disappointing that the Senate Republicans continue to hold this important legislation up, withholding health care for Michigan’s citizens while costing the state millions of dollars.”

The Senate could return after the Labor Day holiday next Tuesday and reconsider an “immediate effect” vote, which would expand Medicaid as of Jan. 1, 2014. After that, the bill would go to the House, which had passed a similar bill, for final approval, and then to Gov. Rick Snyder, who has lobbied hard for the passage of Medicaid expansion.

The bill would cover 323,000 uninsured residents in 2014 and 470,000 by 2021. Medicaid now covers 1.9 million Michigan residents.

As of Aug. 28, 21 states have voted against Medicaid expansion, and five (Indiana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee) are still debating it. It's intended to expand health coverage to lower-income people: those with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level, or $15,856 for an individual. Expansion is also intended to lessen the financial burden on hospitals caring for the uninsured. The federal government will cover the cost of expansion through 2017. By 2020, its contribution will drop to 90%.

The 21 states that are not moving forward will forgo billions in federal dollars. The Kaiser Family Foundation puts the number at $35 billion in 2016 and $345 billion from 2013 to 2022.

source : Michigan Senate OK's Medicaid Expansion
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Hundreds of Thousands of Teens Use Pot, Alcohol Each Day: Report


'Too many young people are still at risk,' U.S. health official says

WebMD News from HealthDay

'Too many young people are still at risk,' U.S.

By HealthDay staff

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Aug. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Despite recent gains against substance abuse by American teens, hundreds of thousands of them use marijuana and alcohol on a given day, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.

On a typical day, an estimated 881,684 kids aged 12 to 17 smoke cigarettes, 646,707 use marijuana and 457,672 drink alcohol, according to a report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The number of teens smoking pot on a given day could almost fill the 250,000-seat Indianapolis Speedway two and a half times, the report pointed out.

"This data about adolescents sheds new light on how deeply substance use pervades the lives of many young people and their families," SAMHSA administrator Pamela Hyde said in an agency news release. "While other studies indicate that significant progress has been made in lowering the levels of some forms of substance use among adolescents in the past decade, this report shows that far too many young people are still at risk."

The report also said that on an average day:

  • 7,639 kids aged 12 to 17 drink alcohol for the first time,
  • 4,594 use an illicit drug for the first time,
  • 4,000 use marijuana for the first time,
  • 3,701 smoke cigarettes for the first time,
  • 2,151 misuse prescription pain relievers for the first time.

The report also provided numbers on how many 12- to 17-year-olds receive treatment for a substance abuse problem in a typical day:

  • More than 71,000 get outpatient treatment,
  • More than 9,300 receive nonhospital residential treatment,
  • An estimated 1,258 receive inpatient treatment at a hospital.

source : Hundreds of Thousands of Teens Use Pot, Alcohol Each Day: Report
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Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe

Chicken and Tomato Salad is a simple but significant healthy diet salad. It is a balanced diet plan salad. Chicken and Tomato salad is helpful for healthy heart, weight loss and low cholesterol programs.

Chicken and Tomato Salad RecipeIngredients

  • Boneless Chicken 1 pound
  • Tomatoes 1 pound
  • Broccoli florets 4 cups
  • Olive oil 2 to 3 teaspoons (cooking oil)
  • Salt 1 teaspoon (as per taste)
  • Pepper fresh ground 1 teaspoon
  • Chili powder half teaspoon (as per taste)
  • Lemon juice half cup

Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe Preparation

Start preparing the chicken and tomato salad recipe. First step is to put chicken in the saucepan with sufficient water to boil, cook 10 to 15 minutes softly until chicken is cooked. After that let the chicken to be cool and then slice the chicken into small pieces.

Took a big pot and fill it with water to boil broccoli and cook for 5 minutes. When broccoli boiled put it in another pot to cool.

Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe is in progress, in the meantime, cut tomatoes in half diagonally. Softly put out tomato’s seeds. Put the tomatoes on paper or paper towels to drain for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes sweep the cut side of tomatoes with olive oil or other cooking oil you used.

Over high burner put a large pan until very hot. Now place tomatoes in this pan with oily side down and sweep olive oil on the top side of tomatoes. Cook the tomatoes until well-cooked. Now place tomatoes in a plate and chop them after cool.

Put 3 teaspoons cooking oil in the heated pan, mix with salt, chili powder and pepper. Cook for one minute on medium heat. Add lemon juice in it and put off burner. Now put this mixture in a bowl and add chicken, broccoli and chopped tomatoes in it and mix them. Healthy Chicken and Tomato Salad is ready to serve. Sever the salad after dressing.

Before serving chicken and tomato salad you can add more Lemon and salt if required.

source : Chicken and Tomato Salad Recipe
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Men’s Healthy Diet Plan Tips

men’s healthy dietFor healthy life take 3 balanced and healthy meal in a day. Here are the few men’s healthy diet plan tips and suggestion that will help men to keep healthy and fit. 


Breakfast is to load calories for a body. Don’t skip breakfast, take a light diet in breakfast like glass of milk and a bread toast. Dairy, eggs, grains and fresh juices are also healthy diet plan for men. Proteins in this diet plan increase the growth of muscular growth.

men’s healthy diet planLUNCH

 Lunch is to pick nutrition for your body as much as your diet plan contains, so keep your diet plan healthy and balanced. Fruits, vegitables, beans, grains and fresh salads are important ingredients in men’s healthy diet plan.


Meats, fish, vegitables and legumes are healthy ingredients in dinner for men’s health.

Taking dinner in time and a light walk after that is useful for healthy life.

source : Men’s Healthy Diet Plan Tips
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10 Most Common Ways to Cook Chicken

10 Most Common Ways to Cook ChickenChicken is one of the most common and popular foods on earth. There's an abundance of chicken in a majority of markets in many places around the world. It's being famous as an international food makes the chicken the subject of many cooking styles and approaches.

We have been eating chicken all our lives, but it didn't come to us how this tasty meat can adapt to different cooking methods.

To satisfy our curiosity, here are some of the most common ways to cook chicken:

1. Shallow-Frying

One of the most popular methods, shallow-frying cooks the chicken by soaking it in about one inch of oil. The chicken is allowed to cook, and as the first side is done, the meat is turned over to cook the other side.

2. Braising

Braising involves the cooking of large cuts of chicken by partially soaking it with liquid such as broth, cider, or wine. The cooking is done gradually and at low temperature. This results in a very tender, delicious meat.

3. Grilling

Grilling is done by cooking chicken meat over direct heat. It is the fastest method that is applicable to all cuts of meat. Even whole chicken can be grilled provided it is opened at the middle. Grilled chicken tastes the best when it is marinated before cooking and brushed with cooking oil or something that can add flavor to it.

4. Poaching

This method involves simmering the chicken in liquid until it is fully cooked. This method is typically used for making chicken broth for chicken soup or preparing the meat for low fat and low calorie dishes.

5. Spatchcock

In spatchcock cooking, the cook opens the chicken and removes the spine, the breast bone and the tips of the wings. This makes the chicken ready for roasting or grilling. Spatchcocking is usually intended to make the chicken cook in half the time than cooking it with its bones on.

6. Deep Frying

Deep-frying is a method that cooks the chicken by immersing it fully in cooking oil. This method cooks the meat quickly, especially if the cook uses a large pot to contain the meat and the oil.

7. Baking

Baking involves cooking the chicken in an oven at a temperature of between 350 - 375 degrees Fahrenheit. The cook then rubs the chicken with herbs and seasonings to make it more delicious and aromatic.

8. Stir-Frying

Stir-frying is method of cooking that is very popular in East Asia. It involves the removal of the skin and bones and the meat is fried in high temperature.

9. Sauteing

In sauteing, the chicken is chopped into small pieces and cooked thoroughly. After this, the cook adds sauce or broth into the chicken, and the entire dish is allowed to cook.

10. Stewing

Stewing is the most ideal method of cooking for dark meat chicken. Some cooks sear the meat before stewing, but this method is optional. Then he adds liquid to the pot and leaves the meat to cook at low temperature. You can actually stew chicken without having to sear it.

10 Most Common Ways to Cook ChickenStephen John is a food and wine enthusiast. He blogs about food, wine, and culture and writes wine reviews for a living. He loves to travel and try exotic cuisines of different countries. His love for good food has led him to Food plus which made learn many things about cooking good food.Visit Foodplus website and discover why Stephen loves it.

source : 10 Most Common Ways to Cook Chicken
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Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle

Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle

The 500 Calorie Diet Plan is gaining "legs" in popularity on the Internet, but it holds the possibility of costing dieters leg muscle along with fat if misused. In fact, it is only recommended for limited use under strict medical supervision for those who are morbidly obese -- those with a Body Mass Index of over 30.

It is, however, growing in popularity among those with a lower BMI. Witness the number of Web sites touting the supposed "quick and easy" weight loss available through The 500 Calorie Diet Plan. Programs such as the Grapefruit Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, and Sacred Heart diet are sprouting up all over.

What they all have in common is a plan to limit the daily intake of calories to under 800 and, more typically, to no more than 500. While that will cause dramatic weight loss during the prescribed four to 16 weeks of the diet, it also can result in severe health consequences to those who stay on the diet longer or who were under the BMI 30 threshold to begin with.
Cutting calories also cuts the nutrients your body needs. The 500 Calorie Diet Plan dramatically limits vitamins, protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Just the reduction in fiber means dieters can have major problems with constipation and diarrhea. Carbohydrates are needed for energy and concentration. Protein loss will show up as dull hair and skin.
The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can lead to gallstones and gout. Thanks to the imbalance of bile salts and cholesterol, gallstone formation is the most common serious side effect of a low calorie diet. Gout can appear with a change in uric acid levels.
Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle
More insidious is that a low calorie diet can trick the body into thinking it is being malnourished and so needs to begin storing fat. This can cause the absorption of good tissue if there is not enough fat available. At the same time, the body's metabolism will slow in an effort to reduce the need for burning fat.
Some dieters who keep getting on and off The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can develop eating disorders because they find it difficult to return to normal eating habits. So the onslaught of bulimia and anorexia nervous can be included among the negatives related to low calorie intake.
Those who flat out should not even consider The 500 Calorie Diet Plan, according to doctors, are pregnant or lactating women, those over 50, children, and people with conditions such as cardiovascular disease or kidney dysfunction.
For some, probably the worst news about this quick weight loss scheme is that it most likely will not last. Yes, at first the pounds will come off and the loss will be noticeable. However, much of the weight lost will have been water, and that cannot be sustained once the dieter returns to a fairly regular diet. The weight will return, particularly if the metabolism has been affected.
So the best diet remains a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and fats. Add to that plenty of exercise and you have the formula for healthy weight loss. Sorry about that.

Calorie for Healthy Lifestyle

source : Calorie Diet Plan and Healthy Lifestyle
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